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Remediation & Geo-Environmental Field Services

What sets United apart from other consulting firms is our highly trained team of engineers with in depth knowledge of all aspects of evaluation and remediation of soil and groundwater contamination problems.


What sets United apart from other consulting firms is our highly trained team of engineers with in depth knowledge of all aspects of evaluation and remediation of soil and groundwater contamination problems.

United has considerable experience with contamination assessment/remedial action programs at CERCLA and RCRA sites such as the Rocky Mountain Arsenal and Rocky Flats superfund sites. United has provided technical support to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for more than 15 years on remedial investigations and feasibility studies (RI/FS) at several sites across the United States. Internationally, we have worked on various hydrogeological, mining and geo-environmental studies in Mexico, Colombia, Egypt, Pakistan, Libya, Sudan and Venezuela. United successfully completed major remediation projects for BP, ENI, Exxon Mobil, Schlumberger and Transocean that totaled an access of $100 million dollars.

United staff has extensive experience and expertise in the implementation of pollution control, prevention, contamination cleanup studies and remedial engineering services. Remedial technologies include pump and treat systems, slurry walls, leachate collection systems, etc. In the development of remedial plans, United designs and evaluates the cost effectiveness of insitu treatment of contaminated soils and groundwater versus offsite treatment and disposal options.

United provides a wide variety of services including drilling, installation operation & maintenance of remediation systems, hydrogeologic field investigations and laboratory testing. One of the major strengths of United is our highly trained team of engineers with in depth knowledge of all aspects of hydrological field services.

United’s personnel have extensive practical experience with auguring, direct push, rotary and SONIC type drilling. Our professional staff are experienced in all phases of water supply, de-watering, recharge, environmental, and geotechnical drilling.

Some of the field services United provides are:

  • De-watering and Artificial Recharge
  • Soil and Groundwater Investigations
  • Water Well Design and Installation
  • Monitoring Well and Soil Borings
  • Continuous Soil Coring
  • Remediation Systems (Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance)
  • Installation of advanced monitoring equipment
  • Zone Isolation Testing and Sampling
  • Aquifer Tests
  • Tracer and Column Leachate Tests

All field personnel have had hazardous material handling and confined space entry training as well as thoroughly trained in the proper procedures for sample collection and other field activities.

United places great importance on safety. United employees are trained in all aspects of field safety through in-depth technical seminars and equipment demonstrations. United ensures that all field operations meet safety Quality Assurance (Q/A) and Quality Control (Q/C) procedures.

United also has experience in the remediation of hydrocarbon contamination, petroleum refining operations, and management of toxic and hazardous waste. United has experience in the design of both soil vapor extraction systems and air sparging systems and their application for direct volatilization of hydrocarbons or oxygenate the water/soil in order to facilitate bioremediation. This also includes: bio-venting, combined air sparging and soil vapor extraction, de-watering systems and low permeability applications.

United’s health and safety programs extend to the job site in the form of detailed site specific safety plans. Each plan is based on site history existing conditions, project requirements, site-specific hazards and potential contaminant exposure.


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11/06/2011 - 21:37

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United Environmental Test News 1
11/06/2011 - 21:38

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Test News, United Environmental
11/06/2011 - 22:30

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Regional Middle East Office :
35 Oboor Towers, Salah Salem Road, Cairo, Egypt
Tel: +20-2-2404 41 89 Fax: +20-2-2404 83 66

Main Office :
7406 Couples Court, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Tel: +1-970-460 0437 Fax : +1-888-390 7047

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